Thursday, January 01, 2009

Copy paths of selected items in Mac OS X Finder to clipboard


This script sets the clipboard to the paths of items selected in Finder window.
If there is no selection the clipboard is set to the path of the target
of the Finder window.


1. Paste this script in Script editor
2. Save it as an application - ~/scripts/finder/
3. Drag and drop onto the Finder widow toolbar.

@author Sandip V. Chitale
@version 1.0
@date 1/1/2009
tell application "Finder"
set paths to ""
set selected to selection
if (count of selected) is 0 then
set paths to POSIX path of (target of front window as alias)
repeat with aPath in every item in selected
set aPathString to POSIX path of (aPath as alias)
if paths is "" then
set paths to aPathString
set paths to paths & "
" & aPathString
end if
end repeat
end if
if paths is not "" then
set the clipboard to paths as text
end if
end tell

Go to parent folder in Mac OS X Finder


This script sets the target of the Finder window to the
parent of the current target of the Finder window.


1. Paste this script in Script editor
2. Save it as an application - ~/scripts/finder/
3. Drag and drop onto the Finder widow toolbar.

@author Sandip V. Chitale
@version 1.0
@date 1/1/2009
tell application "Finder"
set target of front window to (parent of target of front window)
end tell

Keep Mac OS X Finder and Terminal in sync


Script: findercd.scpt

This script sets the target of the front window of Finder
to the directory path passed as the first argument. If
there is no Finder window, one is created. Optionally
the finder window can be activated by passing in "true"
as second argument. If no argument is passed
the user is prompted to select a directory
to go to.

The following two bash functions can be used to
invoke this script from bash running in Terminal

# Change the directory of front window of
# Finder to pwd of shell
fcd() {
cd "${1}"
osascript ~/scripts/finder/findercd.scpt "`pwd`" ${2}

# Change the directory of front window of
# Finder to pwd of shell and activate the
# Finder window
fcda() {
fcd "${1}" true


1. Paste this script in Script editor
2. Save it as a script - ~/scripts/finder/findercd.scpt
3. Add the fcd() and fcda() functions mentioned above
to your .bashrc or .bashrc_profile

This script complements the terminalcd.scpt script.

@author Sandip V. Chitale
@version 1.0
@date 1/1/2009
on run argv
if (count of argv) is 0 then
set directory to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Go to")
on error
end try
set directory to (item 1 of argv)
end if
set doActivate to false
if (count of argv) is greater than 1 then
set doActivate to (item 2 of argv)
end if
tell application "Finder"
if (count of windows) is 0 then
make new Finder window
end if
set target of front window to (POSIX file directory)
if doActivate = "true" then
end if
end tell
end run


This script sets the directory of the shell in front window of Terminal to the
target directory of front window of Finder. If there is no Terminal window
is there a new window is created. If the the front window of
Terminal is busy new window is created.


1. Paste this script in Script editor
2. Save it as an application - ~/scripts/finder/
3. Drag and drop onto the Finder widow toolbar.

This script compliments the findercd.scpt script.

@author Sandip V. Chitale
@version 1.0
@date 1/1/2009
tell application "Finder"
if (count of windows) is greater than 0 then
set cdTo to POSIX path of (target of front window as alias)
set terminalWasRunning to false
tell application "System Events"
if exists process "Terminal" then
set terminalWasRunning to true
end if
end tell
tell application "Terminal"
if (count of windows) is 0 then
do script ""
else if window 1 is busy then
do script ""
end if
do script "cd '" & cdTo & "'" in front window
end tell
end if
end tell