Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Eclipse Console Support for Frontend builds

If you use Eclipse of frontend development and use any of the front end tools such as ESLint or JSHint to do static analysis of your Java Script code, then Frontend Maven Plugin Console Support is the plugin for you.

This plugin parses the messages in Eclipse consoles (Process Console or Maven Console) and converts them to hyperlinks. It also adds warnings and error markers as applicable.

Install it using Help > Install New Software in your Eclipse IDE and specifying this update site:


I will soon add this to Eclipse Marketplace.


Sunday, July 05, 2015

A simple Maven Event Spy

In the context of this blog entry I developed a simple Maven Event Spy. However it works by itself too.

Simply drop mavenbuildspy.jar into your Maven installation's lib/ext folder and run your Maven build and you will see something like:

Alternatively download it somewhere and invoke it on-demand in your Maven build with:

mvn -Dmaven.ext.class.path=path-to/mavenbuildspy.jar ....

Feedback welcome!